Welcome to Squimblo!
Getting Started
The basic usage of this service (for now!) is as follows.
- Create an account
- Create a ladder (see "Ladders")
- Invite your friends!
- Start your first round
- You'll be matched with the person above or below you on the ladder.
- Odd number of people? The top and bottom members will take turns sitting out each round.
- Each member plays their game, reports their score ("Matches"), then the winner takes the higher spot between the two members.
- Start the next round. Unreported games will be recorded as a 0-0 draw.
- See 5!
Coming Soon: Squimblo 2!
- Top to bottom rewrite of Squimblo, hosted on a new service that will burn less of a hole in my pockets :(
- Your ladders will remain in tact! Promise!
- UI overhaul
- General quality of life improvements
- Optional display names
- Matches list within ladder screen
- And more! I have a bunch of things on my own personal wishlist (I use this site myself, after all!) but don't want to make any promises I can't keep. Stay tuned!
- Pick-your-opponent round
- You will get to choose between a few opponents above you on the ladder to challenge them, they can accept the challenge or forfeit their spot to you.
- Hit me up at squimbler@squimblo.com for suggestions!
Known issues
- Your session may be very short before requiring sign-in again. This is due to a limitation of Heroku and will be no longer after Squimblo 2